Italia e Estero

Wsj, da Usa proposta dettagliata per accordo a Gaza

epa11580775 Protesters supporting the families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, outside the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, 02 September 2024. Israel's largest labour union, Histadrut, called for a nationwide general strike to start on 02 September urging the Israeli Prime Minister to reach a deal to secure the remaining hostages held by Hamas following the 07 October attack. Thousands of Israelis protested across Israel on 01 September following the recovery of the bodies of six hostagres held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. According to a statement by the Israeli Government Press Office, 97 Israeli hostages remain in captivity in the Gaza Strip, with 33 confirmed dead. EPA/ABIR SULTAN EPA-EFE/ABIR SULTAN
epa11580775 Protesters supporting the families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, outside the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, 02 September 2024. Israel's largest labour union, Histadrut, called for a nationwide general strike to start on 02 September urging the Israeli Prime Minister to reach a deal to secure the remaining hostages held by Hamas following the 07 October attack. Thousands of Israelis protested across Israel on 01 September following the recovery of the bodies of six hostagres held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. According to a statement by the Israeli Government Press Office, 97 Israeli hostages remain in captivity in the Gaza Strip, with 33 confirmed dead. EPA/ABIR SULTAN EPA-EFE/ABIR SULTAN

ROMA, 04 SET - Gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero presentare una bozza di proposta rinnovata e più dettagliata, che includerà dettagli sull'attuazione di un accordo di cessate il fuoco a Gaza e di scambio degli ostaggi. Lo scrive il Wall Street Journal che cita funzionari statunitensi. La nuova bozza di proposta dovrebbe descrivere nel dettaglio come avverrà lo scambio di ostaggi e specificare le condizioni in base alle quali le parti potranno tornare a combattere. La proposta specificherà anche per quanto tempo potrà durare la presenza israeliana nel corridoio Filadelfia, la lingua di terra tra Gaza e l'Egitto.

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