Italia e Estero

Von der Leyen,non permetteremo che l'Ucraina resti al buio

epa11614320 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen attends a joint press conference after a meeting on flood situation in Wroclaw, Poland, 19 September 2024. The low-pressure system Boris brought heavy rain to central and eastern Europe starting on 11 September 2024 with five times the average monthly rainfall for September within a few days according to the EU's Copernicus programme. Hundreds of thousands were evacuated from their homes across the region and more than twenty people died according to the latest reports from the countries affected. On 16 September, the Polish government officially declared a state of natural disaster on the affected areas. EPA/MACIEJ KULCZYNSKI POLAND OUT
epa11614320 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen attends a joint press conference after a meeting on flood situation in Wroclaw, Poland, 19 September 2024. The low-pressure system Boris brought heavy rain to central and eastern Europe starting on 11 September 2024 with five times the average monthly rainfall for September within a few days according to the EU's Copernicus programme. Hundreds of thousands were evacuated from their homes across the region and more than twenty people died according to the latest reports from the countries affected. On 16 September, the Polish government officially declared a state of natural disaster on the affected areas. EPA/MACIEJ KULCZYNSKI POLAND OUT

BRUXELLES, 20 SET - "La Russia ha messo in campo un vergognoso tentativo di far passare l'inverno ucraino al buio. Sono qui per dire agli ucraini che l'Ue vi aiuterà nella sfida energetica, per mantenere la luce accesa, per mantenere la popolazione al caldo, per far sì che la vostra economia cresca". Lo ha detto al presidente della Commissione Ue Ursula von der Leyen in conferenza stampa da Kiev. Von der Leyen ha annunciato un piano di supporto energetico dell'Ue all'Ucraina, che prevede il mantenimento del collegamento di Kiev alla rete elettrica europea. "La Russia deve pagare per la distruzione" che ha portato, ha aggiunto.

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