Italia e Estero

Von der Leyen, 'concorrenza tra Ue e Cina sia equa'

epa11313901 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen looks on after a meeting with the Lebanese caretaker prime minister at the Government Palace in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, 02 May 2024. The president of Cyprus and the European Commission president are both in Beirut to talk about the current surge in Syrian refugee immigration. Around 2,140 people arrived by boat in Cyprus between 01 January and 04 April 2024, compared to only 78 people during that same period in 2023, the vast majority were Syrian nationals departing from Lebanon, according to the Cypriot Interior Ministry. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11313901 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen looks on after a meeting with the Lebanese caretaker prime minister at the Government Palace in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, 02 May 2024. The president of Cyprus and the European Commission president are both in Beirut to talk about the current surge in Syrian refugee immigration. Around 2,140 people arrived by boat in Cyprus between 01 January and 04 April 2024, compared to only 78 people during that same period in 2023, the vast majority were Syrian nationals departing from Lebanon, according to the Cypriot Interior Ministry. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

BRUXELLES, 06 MAG - "Dobbiamo agire per garantire che la concorrenza sia equa e non distorta. Perché una concorrenza leale è positiva per l'Europa, in quanto stimola l'innovazione e la crescita, oltre a creare buoni posti di lavoro in Europa. Incoraggerò il governo cinese ad affrontare le sovracapacità" produttive "nel breve termine. Allo stesso tempo, ci coordineremo strettamente con i Paesi del G7 e con le economie emergenti che sono sempre più colpite dalle distorsioni del mercato cinese". E' quanto spiega la presidente della Commissione Ue, Ursula von der Leyen, in vista del trilaterale con Emmanuel Macron e Xi Jinping che si terrà questa mattina.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
