Italia e Estero

Viminale dà mandato ad Avvocatura,ricorsi contro ordinanze

epa11668877 The Italian coast guard patrol boat arrives at the port of Bari carrying the 12 migrants from the Italian repatriation center in Gjader, for whom the return to Italy was ordered after the Rome court, in Bari, Italy, 19 October 2024. The immigration section of the Rome Court has ruled against the detention of migrants at the Italian repatriation center in Gjader, Albania, which was established under the Italy-Albania migration management agreement. The patrol boat left from Albania around 9.30am on 19 October. EPA/DONATO FASANO
epa11668877 The Italian coast guard patrol boat arrives at the port of Bari carrying the 12 migrants from the Italian repatriation center in Gjader, for whom the return to Italy was ordered after the Rome court, in Bari, Italy, 19 October 2024. The immigration section of the Rome Court has ruled against the detention of migrants at the Italian repatriation center in Gjader, Albania, which was established under the Italy-Albania migration management agreement. The patrol boat left from Albania around 9.30am on 19 October. EPA/DONATO FASANO

ROMA, 22 OTT - Il ministero dell'Interno ha dato mandato all'Avvocatura di Stato per presentare il ricorso in Cassazione contro le ordinanze della sezione immigrazione del tribunale di Roma che non hanno convalidato il trattenimento dei dodici migranti nel centro italiano di permanenza per il rimpatrio in Albania. Il nodo posto dal Viminale è la mancata applicazione della norma italiana sui Paesi sicuri.

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