Italia e Estero

Via libera del Ppe a von der Leyen ma non all'unanimità

epa11203664 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the EPP candidate for the same position, delivers her speech during the second plenary session of the European People's Party Congress in Bucharest, Romania, 07 March 2024. The European People's Party (EPP) party holds its Congress in Romania's capital on 06 and 07 March, to choose their candidates for the EU Parliament elections, and as well their nominees for the EU leadership. European Union parliamentary elections will take place from 06 until 09 June 2024. EPA/Robert Ghement
epa11203664 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the EPP candidate for the same position, delivers her speech during the second plenary session of the European People's Party Congress in Bucharest, Romania, 07 March 2024. The European People's Party (EPP) party holds its Congress in Romania's capital on 06 and 07 March, to choose their candidates for the EU Parliament elections, and as well their nominees for the EU leadership. European Union parliamentary elections will take place from 06 until 09 June 2024. EPA/Robert Ghement

BUCAREST, 07 MAR - Il Congresso del Ppe ha approvato la candidatura di Ursula von der Leyen a presidente della Commissione per le prossime Europee. L'approvazione è stata a larghissima maggioranza ma non unanime. I votanti sono stati 499, dei quali 489 validi. Di questi 400 sono stati i voti favorevoli a von der Leyen e 89 i contrari.

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