Italia e Estero

Usa, 'estesa la tregua tra militanti pro turchi e curdi siriani'

epa07919653 A handout photo made available by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows Syrian army soldiers arriving at Tal Tamr town, in the northwestern Hasaka, Syria, 14 October 2019. According to SANA, Syrian army units were deployed in Tal Tamr town in the northwestern Hasaka, as well as several villages and towns in the countryside of Raqqa, to counter the Turkish military operation. Syrian forces were deployed a day after Russian-brokered deal between the Kurds and Syrian regime that allows the deployment of Syrian troops in the northeast areas for the first time in years, after Turkey launched an offensive targeting Kurdish forces. EPA/SANA HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa07919653 A handout photo made available by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows Syrian army soldiers arriving at Tal Tamr town, in the northwestern Hasaka, Syria, 14 October 2019. According to SANA, Syrian army units were deployed in Tal Tamr town in the northwestern Hasaka, as well as several villages and towns in the countryside of Raqqa, to counter the Turkish military operation. Syrian forces were deployed a day after Russian-brokered deal between the Kurds and Syrian regime that allows the deployment of Syrian troops in the northeast areas for the first time in years, after Turkey launched an offensive targeting Kurdish forces. EPA/SANA HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

WASHINGTON, 17 DIC - E' stata estesa la tregua tra combattenti filo-turchi e curdi siriani nella zona di Manbij: lo ha detto il portavoce del dipartimento di Stato Usa, Matthew Miller. La tregua è stata estesa fino alla fine della settimana, ha riferito. Washington ha mediato un cessate il fuoco iniziale la scorsa settimana ma era scaduto, ha ricordato Miller, aggiungendo che gli Usa vorrebbero che la tregua fosse estesa il più a lungo possibile. "Continuiamo a impegnarci con le forze Sdf e con la Turchia per trovare una via da seguire", ha detto Miller, aggiungendo che non è nell'interesse di nessuna delle parti vedere un aumento del conflitto in Siria. "Non vogliamo vedere nessuna delle parti approfittare dell'attuale situazione instabile per promuovere i propri interessi ristretti a spese del più ampio interesse nazionale siriano".

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