Italia e Estero

Usa, colpiti oltre 75 obiettivi legati all'Isis in Siria

epa11370372 A USAF B-52 Bomber flys over South Beach during Memorial Day weekend celebrations in Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 25 May 2024. The two day Hyundai Air & Sea Show event showcases the men, women, technology and equipment from all five branches of the United States Military as well as police, firefighters and first responder agencies. According to organizers, the mission of the National Salute to American Heroes is to bring back the true meaning and spirit of Memorial Day weekend and pay tribute to all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the freedom. EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa11370372 A USAF B-52 Bomber flys over South Beach during Memorial Day weekend celebrations in Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 25 May 2024. The two day Hyundai Air & Sea Show event showcases the men, women, technology and equipment from all five branches of the United States Military as well as police, firefighters and first responder agencies. According to organizers, the mission of the National Salute to American Heroes is to bring back the true meaning and spirit of Memorial Day weekend and pay tribute to all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the freedom. EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH

WASHINGTON, 08 DIC - Gli Stati Uniti hanno condotto attacchi contro oltre 75 obiettivi legati all'Isis in Siria. Lo ha annunciato il Pentagono. Gli attacchi di oggi, ha precisato il Comando centrale degli Stati Uniti in Medio Oriente sono stati effettuati contro "oltre 75 obiettivi utilizzando più mezzi dell'aeronautica americana, inclusi B-52, F-15 e A-10". Colpiti leader, miliziani e accampamenti dell'Isis.

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