Italia e Estero

Unifil,Idf ha annunciato incursioni, viola risoluzione Onu

epa11606106 Syrian refugees ride a tractor near United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) vehicles as they leave Wazzani village, southern Lebanon, 15 September 2024. Displaced Syrian refugees, who used to work in agricultural fields in Wazzani village, are leaving the area after leaflets reportedly dropped by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) demanded the evacuation of civilians from the Wazzani area and surroundings by 4pm local time due to Hezbollah activity in the area. The IDF did not immediately issue an official comment about the evacuation recommendation. EPA/STR
epa11606106 Syrian refugees ride a tractor near United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) vehicles as they leave Wazzani village, southern Lebanon, 15 September 2024. Displaced Syrian refugees, who used to work in agricultural fields in Wazzani village, are leaving the area after leaflets reportedly dropped by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) demanded the evacuation of civilians from the Wazzani area and surroundings by 4pm local time due to Hezbollah activity in the area. The IDF did not immediately issue an official comment about the evacuation recommendation. EPA/STR

ROMA, 01 OTT - La forza di pace delle Nazioni Unite afferma che l'Idf ha notificato la sua intenzione di intraprendere incursioni di terra limitate in Libano. In un comunicato l'Unifil afferma che, nonostante gli sviluppi in Libano, le forze di pace rimangono in posizione. "Qualsiasi attraversamento del Libano è una violazione della sovranità e dell'integrità territoriale libanese e una violazione della risoluzione 1701 del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite", afferma.

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