Italia e Estero

Un prigioniero politico muore in carcere in Bielorussia

epa11108628 Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of a monument to civilians killed during World War Two, marking the 80th anniversary of lifting of the Leningrad siege, near the village of Zaitsevo in the Leningrad Region, Russia, 27 January 2024. Up to 700,000 civilians are believed to have died from hunger, frost, shelling and air bombardment during the siege that lasted some 900 days.  EPA/ANTON VAGANOV / POOL
epa11108628 Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of a monument to civilians killed during World War Two, marking the 80th anniversary of lifting of the Leningrad siege, near the village of Zaitsevo in the Leningrad Region, Russia, 27 January 2024. Up to 700,000 civilians are believed to have died from hunger, frost, shelling and air bombardment during the siege that lasted some 900 days. EPA/ANTON VAGANOV / POOL

MINSK, 20 FEB - Un prigioniero politico è morto in detenzione in Bielorussia. Si tratta del 64ennne Ihar Lednik, ex membro del Partito socialdemocratico bielorusso, attivista storico anti-dittatura, arrestato nel 2022 e condannato a 3 anni per "diffamazione" contro Lukashenko.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
