Italia e Estero

Ucraina: Cina: diffamante dire che diamo armi letali a Russia

epa11354879 China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, gestures as he holds a press conference in Beijing, China, 20 May 2024. China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that President Xi Jinping has sent a message of condolences to Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, 'expressing deep condolences on behalf of the Chinese government and people for the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in the helicopter accident'. According to Iranian state media, President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several others were killed in a helicopter crash in the mountainous Varzaghan area on 19 May, during their return to Tehran, after an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan constructed Qiz-Qalasi dam at the Aras river. EPA/WU HAO
epa11354879 China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, gestures as he holds a press conference in Beijing, China, 20 May 2024. China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that President Xi Jinping has sent a message of condolences to Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, 'expressing deep condolences on behalf of the Chinese government and people for the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in the helicopter accident'. According to Iranian state media, President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several others were killed in a helicopter crash in the mountainous Varzaghan area on 19 May, during their return to Tehran, after an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan constructed Qiz-Qalasi dam at the Aras river. EPA/WU HAO

ROMA, 24 MAG - Il portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri cinese Wang Wenbin ha negato ieri che Pechino abbia fornito armi letali alla Russia, respingendo le affermazioni fatte in tal senso dal ministro degli Esteri britannico Grant Shapps il giorno precedente. "Condanniamo la diffamazione infondata e irresponsabile della Cina" da parte di Shapps, ha affermato Wenbin in una conferenza stampa citata oggi dai media ucraini.

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