Italia e Estero

Tv saudita, figlio deputato Hezbollah ucciso da esplosione

epaselect epa11609842 Lebanese soldiers and Hezbollah members gather outside a hospital where injured people were being transported, following an incident involving Hezbollah members’ wireless devices in Dahieh, Beirut, south Lebanon, 17 September 2024. According to Lebanon’s state news agency, several ‘wireless communication devices (pagers) were detonated using advanced technology.’ Several people with various injuries have been arriving at Lebanese hospitals, according to the Lebanese Public Health Emergency Operations Center of the Ministry of Public Health. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epaselect epa11609842 Lebanese soldiers and Hezbollah members gather outside a hospital where injured people were being transported, following an incident involving Hezbollah members’ wireless devices in Dahieh, Beirut, south Lebanon, 17 September 2024. According to Lebanon’s state news agency, several ‘wireless communication devices (pagers) were detonated using advanced technology.’ Several people with various injuries have been arriving at Lebanese hospitals, according to the Lebanese Public Health Emergency Operations Center of the Ministry of Public Health. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

TEL AVIV, 17 SET - La tv saudita al Hadath ha riferito che il figlio di un deputato libanese di Hezbollah, Ali Ammar, è stato ucciso da un'esplosione.

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