Italia e Estero

Turchia: 340 arresti dopo le proteste per il sindaco curdo

epa11257828 Supporters of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) celebrate after the Supreme electoral Board (YSK) changed their decision about revoking the mandate of newly elected oppposition party mayor Abdullah Zeydan, in Van, eastern Turkey, 03 April 2024. Pro-Kurdish mayoral election winner in the eastern city of Van, Abdullah Zeydan, was reinstated by Turkey's electoral authorities after the annulment of his victory sparked altercations. Zeydan, who is from a pro-Kurdish Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party had won the elections for the mayoral position in Van but the Turkish electoral authorities announced on 02 April, that his mandate was revoked and his position would be instead filled by his runner-up, a candidate from the Justice and Development Party of President Erdogan. EPA/METIN YOKSU
epa11257828 Supporters of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) celebrate after the Supreme electoral Board (YSK) changed their decision about revoking the mandate of newly elected oppposition party mayor Abdullah Zeydan, in Van, eastern Turkey, 03 April 2024. Pro-Kurdish mayoral election winner in the eastern city of Van, Abdullah Zeydan, was reinstated by Turkey's electoral authorities after the annulment of his victory sparked altercations. Zeydan, who is from a pro-Kurdish Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party had won the elections for the mayoral position in Van but the Turkish electoral authorities announced on 02 April, that his mandate was revoked and his position would be instead filled by his runner-up, a candidate from the Justice and Development Party of President Erdogan. EPA/METIN YOKSU

ISTANBUL, 04 APR - Oltre 300 "sospetti" sono stati arrestati per avere manifestato "senza autorizzazione" a Van, nel sud est della Turchia a maggioranza curda, e "per conto dell'organizzazione terrorista separatista", termine con cui Ankara indica il Partito del lavoratori del Kurdistan (Pkk). Lo ha annunciato su X il ministro dell'Interno, Ali Yerlikaya, in riferimento alle proteste che si sono tenute a Van dopo che era stata negata la vittoria di Abdullah Zeydan, eletto sindaco con il partito filocurdo Dem, a causa di una precedente sentenza. Dopo la prima squalifica, il Consiglio elettorale ha conferito la carica di primo cittadino a Zeydan.

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