Italia e Estero

Trump, 'i legami tra Usa e Israele sono indistruttibili'

epa11875540 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) and US President Donald J. Trump (R) talk with reporters in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 04 February 2025. President Trump, who is hosting his first in-person meeting with another world leader since returning to the White House, and Prime Minister Netanyahu are set to discuss the Israeli cease-fire with Hamas, Iran’s nuclear program and future arms shipments, among other bilateral issues. EPA/SHAWN THEW / POOL
epa11875540 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) and US President Donald J. Trump (R) talk with reporters in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 04 February 2025. President Trump, who is hosting his first in-person meeting with another world leader since returning to the White House, and Prime Minister Netanyahu are set to discuss the Israeli cease-fire with Hamas, Iran’s nuclear program and future arms shipments, among other bilateral issues. EPA/SHAWN THEW / POOL

WASHINGTON, 04 FEB - "I legami tra Usa e Israele sono indistruttibili". Lo ha detto Donald Trump in una conferenza stampa con Benjamin Netanyahu sottolineando che negli ultimi due anni "i rapporti sono stati messi a dura prova". "Ma con me e te saranno più forti che mai", ha aggiunto.

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