Sudan, 100 morti in attacco a un villaggio

epa07794097 A palm tree behind one of the damaged dams is half submerged following heaving floods in Wad Ramli, some 45 km north of Khartoum, Sudan, 25 August 2019. According to local witnesses, Wad Ramli inhabitants were surprised on 21 August by the sudden and heavy arrival of water in their streets, after the Nile river went above the dams. Witnesses report that they waited for one day or two for the water to receded but as it did not, the about 8,000 inhabitants were forced to leave for safety, a few kilometers outside their village. They started receiving aid from the government and a Saudi NGO and the mainly agricultural village is still under water. According to aid agencies reports, floods have affected some 190,000 people in various states of Sudan, reportedly killing 60. EPA/AMEL PAIN
ROMA, 06 GIU - Le Forze paramilitari di supporto rapido (Rsf) del Sudan hanno preso d'assalto un villaggio nello stato di Al-Jazira e ucciso circa 100 persone, ha detto oggi il governatore di Al-Jazira Al-Tahir Ibrahim Al-Khair, citato dall'agenzia ufficiale Sudan News Agency, rilanciata dalla turca Anadolu. Al-Khair ha affermato che le "brutali violazioni" commesse dalle RSF a Wad Al-Noora e nei suoi dintorni costituiscono un "crimine di guerra". Le immagini condivise sui social media - presumibilmente nel villaggio attaccato - mostrano più di 100 persone sepolte in una fossa comune
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