Italia e Estero

Strasburgo invita a non riconoscere l'elezione di Putin

epa11227528 International observers and journalists sit near a screen showing preliminary results of the presidential elections at the Central Election Commission in Moscow, Russia, 18 March 2024. The general voter turnout in Russia's presidential election, including online voting, has reached an all-time high of 77.44 percent, the highest in the country since 1991, according to the Central Election Commission (CEC). Voting in the Russian presidential elections took place over three days, from March 15 to 17. Based on the results of processing more than 70 percent of the protocols, Vladimir Putin is the leader in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation with more than 87 percent of the votes, according to the CEC data. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
epa11227528 International observers and journalists sit near a screen showing preliminary results of the presidential elections at the Central Election Commission in Moscow, Russia, 18 March 2024. The general voter turnout in Russia's presidential election, including online voting, has reached an all-time high of 77.44 percent, the highest in the country since 1991, according to the Central Election Commission (CEC). Voting in the Russian presidential elections took place over three days, from March 15 to 17. Based on the results of processing more than 70 percent of the protocols, Vladimir Putin is the leader in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation with more than 87 percent of the votes, according to the CEC data. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

STRASBURGO, 18 MAR - L'assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa esorta all'unanimità la comunità internazionale a non riconoscere più la legittimità di Putin come presidente e invita tutti i paesi a cessare ogni contatto con lui, tranne che per perseguire la pace e per scopi umanitari, ad esempio per organizzare scambi di prigionieri o per riportare a casa i bambini dell'Ucraina. Lo dichiara il presidente dell'assemblea, il greco Theodoros Rousopoulos.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
