Italia e Estero

Salgono a 169 i morti per le inondazioni nel sud del Brasile

epa11346447 Two men use a boat made of roof tiles to navigate in a flooded area in the municipality of Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, 16 May 2024. On 16 May, Brazilian rescue forces rescued several people with hypothermia who were still sheltering in their homes, amid the floods that have kept a large part of the city of Porto Alegre under water for almost two weeks. The municipality of Canoas, one of the most affected by the unprecedented flooding of the GuaÃba River, has nearly 70,000 houses surrounded and flooded by water. EPA/Andre Borges
epa11346447 Two men use a boat made of roof tiles to navigate in a flooded area in the municipality of Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, 16 May 2024. On 16 May, Brazilian rescue forces rescued several people with hypothermia who were still sheltering in their homes, amid the floods that have kept a large part of the city of Porto Alegre under water for almost two weeks. The municipality of Canoas, one of the most affected by the unprecedented flooding of the GuaÃba River, has nearly 70,000 houses surrounded and flooded by water. EPA/Andre Borges

SAN PAOLO, 26 MAG - E' salito a 169 il bilancio dei morti per le inondazioni nel Rio Grande do Sul, in Brasile, mentre i dispersi sono ancora 56. Sono i dati aggiornati dalla Protezione civile. Su 497 comuni dello stato, 469 hanno segnalato problemi causati dalle piogge. Circa 581mila persone sono rimaste senza tetto e 55mila sono nei rifugi. Inoltre, 112mila persone sono ancora senza elettricità.

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