Sabato summit internazionale in Giordania sulla Siria

epa11773076 Children stand outside a damaged house in the Maarat al-Numan District near Idlib, northern Syria, 12 December 2024. Many locals left their houses in 2019, when thousands of homes across southern Idlib fell under the control of the Syrian regime. Locals say that, before withdrawing amid the advance of Syrian opposition forces, the regime’s militias stripped the metal roofing, looted furniture and valuables, and dismantled windows and doors, adding that even the electricity cables in the walls were pulled out. EPA/BILAL AL HAMMOUD
ROMA, 12 DIC - La Giordania ha annunciato che sabato prossimo ospiterà un summit internazionale dedicato alla situazione in Siria. Alla riunione parteciperanno diplomatici occidentali, turchi e arabi.
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