Italia e Estero

Russia: oltre 16mila gli evacuati per le inondazioni a Orenburg

epa11276112 Russian Emergency Ministry rescuers evacuate local residents from the flooded residential area in Orenburg, Orenburg region, Russia, 13 April 2024. More than 12.7 thousand residential buildings and 22 thousand personal plots remain flooded in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In Orenburg, the flood situation is worsening, and the evacuation of the population continues, with over 1,531 people evacuated from flooded areas. In total, a group of more than 4.5 thousand people, 979 pieces of equipment, 256 watercraft and 16 unmanned systems are involved in the emergency zone in the Orenburg region, reported the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. EPA/STRINGER
epa11276112 Russian Emergency Ministry rescuers evacuate local residents from the flooded residential area in Orenburg, Orenburg region, Russia, 13 April 2024. More than 12.7 thousand residential buildings and 22 thousand personal plots remain flooded in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In Orenburg, the flood situation is worsening, and the evacuation of the population continues, with over 1,531 people evacuated from flooded areas. In total, a group of more than 4.5 thousand people, 979 pieces of equipment, 256 watercraft and 16 unmanned systems are involved in the emergency zone in the Orenburg region, reported the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. EPA/STRINGER

ROMA, 14 APR - Sono oltre 16mila gli evacuati a causa delle inondazioni che hanno colpito la regione russa di Orenburg, negli Urali: circa 1.100 si trovano ora nei centri di accoglienza temporanea, riferisce il servizio stampa del governo regionale. "16.450 persone sono state evacuate dalle zone allagate: 1.091 persone, tra cui 219 bambini, sono state sistemate in 35 centri di accoglienza temporanea. Sono stati forniti tre pasti al giorno e sono state create tutte le condizioni di vita necessarie", si legge nel comunicato, scrive l'agenzia Tass.

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