Italia e Estero

Russia, gruppo Dnepr ha ucciso 110 soldati ucraini

epa04656204 Volunteers of the 'Dnepr' battalion, one of them carrying his gun, kneel down as they pay tribute to a friend who was killed near the village of Shyrokino in the Donetsk region, during the funeral ceremony in Mariupol, Ukraine, 10 March 2015. US President Barack Obama and European Council President Donald Tusk on 09 March called for unity on Ukraine and discussed Europe's security challenges, including terrorism. Obama saluted German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande for their work in establishing the Minsk ceasefire process. EPA/IRINA GORBASYOVA
epa04656204 Volunteers of the 'Dnepr' battalion, one of them carrying his gun, kneel down as they pay tribute to a friend who was killed near the village of Shyrokino in the Donetsk region, during the funeral ceremony in Mariupol, Ukraine, 10 March 2015. US President Barack Obama and European Council President Donald Tusk on 09 March called for unity on Ukraine and discussed Europe's security challenges, including terrorism. Obama saluted German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande for their work in establishing the Minsk ceasefire process. EPA/IRINA GORBASYOVA

ROMA, 18 GEN - Il gruppo di battaglia Dnepr ha eliminato fino a 110 militari ucraini e distrutto un deposito di munizioni nell'ultimo giorno. Lo ha affermato, riporta la Tass, Andrey Kurdyuk, portavoce del gruppo di battaglia. "Nell'ultimo giorno, il nemico ha perso fino a 110 militari, 7 veicoli a motore, 2 cannoni di artiglieria. Inoltre, è stato distrutto un deposito di munizioni". Secondo il portavoce, le unità del gruppo di battaglia Dnepr hanno colpito personale e attrezzature delle brigate di difesa meccanizzata, di fanteria, di marina e territoriale ucraine nelle aree di Kazatskoye, Antonovka, Novodanilovka, Lobkovoye, Kamenskoye, Daryevka

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