Italia e Estero

Ribelli, 'in obitorio 40 cadaveri con segni di tortura'

epaselect epa11766645 An aerial picture taken with a drone shows Sednaya prison, dubbed by Amnesty International as the 'Human Slaughterhouse', near Damascus, Syria, 09 December 2024. The Political Affairs Department of the Syrian Salvation Government said 30,000 prisoners have been released so far from only the first floor of Sednaya prison in Damascus. Rescue efforts continue to find prisoners. Syrian rebels entered Damascus on 08 December 2024 and announced in a televised statement the 'Liberation of the city of Damascus and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad', as well as the release of all the prisoners. EPA/MOHAMMED AL RIFAI
epaselect epa11766645 An aerial picture taken with a drone shows Sednaya prison, dubbed by Amnesty International as the 'Human Slaughterhouse', near Damascus, Syria, 09 December 2024. The Political Affairs Department of the Syrian Salvation Government said 30,000 prisoners have been released so far from only the first floor of Sednaya prison in Damascus. Rescue efforts continue to find prisoners. Syrian rebels entered Damascus on 08 December 2024 and announced in a televised statement the 'Liberation of the city of Damascus and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad', as well as the release of all the prisoners. EPA/MOHAMMED AL RIFAI

BEIRUT, 10 DIC - I ribelli guidati dall'Hts che hanno preso il controllo della Siria hanno dichiarato di aver trovato almeno 40 cadaveri accatastati con evidenti segni di tortura nell'obitorio di un ospedale vicino a Damasco. "Ho aperto la porta dell'obitorio con le mie mani ed è stato uno spettacolo orribile: una quarantina di corpi erano ammucchiati, con segni di terribili torture", ha affermato Mohammed al-Hajj, combattente delle fazioni ribelli del sud del Paese. raggiunto telefonicamente dall'Afp a Damasco.

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