Raid russo su Zaporizhzhia, 2 morti e 24 feriti

epa11716087 A handout picture made available by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine on 12 November 2024 shows Ukrainian rescuers carrying the body of a woman at the site of a glide bomb attack on a residential building in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 11 November 2024 amid the Russian invasion. Later the bodies of her three children of ten, two years, and two months old were discovered. Four people were killed and 14 people were injured, including five children, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) report during the Russian rocket hit on a residential building on 11 November 2024. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE HANDOUT HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
ROMA, 23 GEN - Almeno due persone sono morte e altre 24 sono rimaste ferite, tra cui un bimbo di due mesi, in un attacco lanciato nella notte contro la città di Zaporizhzhia, nell'Ucraina sud-orientale: lo ha reso noto il capo dell'amministrazione regionale, Ivan Fedorov, come riporta Ukrinform. In città sono state udite almeno quattro esplosioni.
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