Premier Bangladesh lascia residenza per un 'luogo sicuro'

epa11062519 A handout photo made available by the Bangladesh prime minister's office shows Bangladesh Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina talking to the media after casting her vote at the Dhaka City College polling center during the 12th national general election in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 07 January 2024. The last general election in Bangladesh was held in 2018. People are voting to select members of the national parliament, also known as Jatiya Sangsad. EPA/BANGLADESH PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
(ANSA-AFP) - DACCA, 05 AGO - La premier del Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, ha lasciato la sua residenza a Dacca per un "luogo sicuro" . Lo rende noto una fonte vicina alla leader. (ANSA-AFP).
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