Italia e Estero

++ Precipita sul Cervino, morto alpinista piacentino ++

epa06660948 (FILE) A police officer looking at an Air Zermatt helicopte landing after research on the area of the avalanche site where five hikers carried away yesterday by an avalanche in Obers Taelli over the Fiescheralp, in Fiesch, Switzerland, 01 April 2018 (reissued 11 April 2018). Authorities in Switzerland and Italy are searching for the German billionaire who has been missing in the Alps since 07 April 2018. Due to heavy snowfall, Zermatt can only be reached by air. Swiss authorities have closed roads and train service into the town of Zermatt amid a heightened risk of avalanches. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT
epa06660948 (FILE) A police officer looking at an Air Zermatt helicopte landing after research on the area of the avalanche site where five hikers carried away yesterday by an avalanche in Obers Taelli over the Fiescheralp, in Fiesch, Switzerland, 01 April 2018 (reissued 11 April 2018). Authorities in Switzerland and Italy are searching for the German billionaire who has been missing in the Alps since 07 April 2018. Due to heavy snowfall, Zermatt can only be reached by air. Swiss authorities have closed roads and train service into the town of Zermatt amid a heightened risk of avalanches. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT

AOSTA, 04 GIU - Un alpinista piacentino, Luca Bernini, di 35 anni, è morto in un incidente di montagna sul Cervino. E' precipitato dalla parete est mentre stava scendendo con gli sci, probabilmente a causa di una scivolata. La vittima era un istruttore del Club alpino italiano di Piacenza. Il corpo è stato recuperato da Air Zermatt. Le indagini sull'accaduto sono affidate alla Police cantonale di Sion.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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