Italia e Estero

Polizia New Orleans, 'è stato un atto di terrorismo'

epa05815572 A member of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) works the parade route as the Krewe of Endymion Mardi Gras Parade rolls in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25 February 2017. According to reports, dozens of people were injured after a pickup truck slammed into a crow in the Mid-City section of New Orleans during a parade on 25 February 2017. A man was taken into custody and police was said to investigate the suspect for driving while intoxicated, media added. New Orleans is celebrating Mardi Gras leading up to the last day of Carnival on Fat Tuesday. EPA/DAN ANDERSON
epa05815572 A member of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) works the parade route as the Krewe of Endymion Mardi Gras Parade rolls in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25 February 2017. According to reports, dozens of people were injured after a pickup truck slammed into a crow in the Mid-City section of New Orleans during a parade on 25 February 2017. A man was taken into custody and police was said to investigate the suspect for driving while intoxicated, media added. New Orleans is celebrating Mardi Gras leading up to the last day of Carnival on Fat Tuesday. EPA/DAN ANDERSON

ROMA, 01 GEN - La Polizia di New Orleans ha dichiarato che l'attacco della notte di Capodanno nel quartiere francese della città è stato un "atto terroristico": lo ha detto il capo della Polizia, Anne Kirkpatrick.

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