Pentagono, 'ci saranno conseguenze per gli attacchi Houthi'

epa11629036 Houthi soldiers ride a vehicle while on patrol during a protest in solidarity with the Lebanese and Palestinian people in Sana'a, Yemen, 27 September 2024. Yemen's Houthis have claimed to have fired 23 ballistic and winged missiles and a drone at three US destroyers in the Red Sea, alleging that they were on their way to support Israel, in the context of the armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinian and Lebanese groups of Hamas and Hezbollah, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. This Houthi attack came a few hours after the Israeli military said they intercepted a surface-to-surface missile outside of Israeli territory that was launched from Yemen. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
NEW YORK, 12 NOV - "Ci saranno conseguenze per gli attacchi illegali e sconsiderati" degli Houthi. E' l'avvertimento del Pentagono dopo che navi da guerra americane sono finite nel mirino di droni e missili nel Mar Nero.
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