Ong, oltre 100 raid Israele su siti militari in Siria oggi

epa11764586 Israeli tanks deploy next to the security fence near the Druze village of Majdal Shams on Israel border with Syria in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, 08 December 2024. The Israeli army announced it has deployed forces to strengthen the defense of the Golan Heights and the eastern Israeli-border with Syria. Syrian rebels entered Damascus on 08 December 2024 and announced in a televised statement the 'Liberation of the city of Damascus and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad', as well as the release of all the prisoners EPA/ATEF SAFADI
BEIRUT, 09 DIC - Israele ha compiuto più di 100 raid su siti militari della Siria oggi. Lo afferma l'Osservatorio siriano dei diritti umani secondo cui un attacco ha colpito un centro di ricerca militare nel nord di Damasco.
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