Italia e Estero

Nuova occupazione, Sciences Po chiude sede a Parigi domani

epaselect epa11303015 Students who occupied the Institut d'etudes politiques (Sciences Po Paris) display a banner reading 'We ask for justice, we get the police' during a demonstration to support the Palestinian people in Paris, France, 26 April 2024. A dozen students remain mobilized in support of the Palestinians by occupying a building at Sciences Po Paris since the evening of 25 April 2024, the day after police evacuated another of the school's sites, following actions taken at several universities in the United States in support of the Palestinian people. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ
epaselect epa11303015 Students who occupied the Institut d'etudes politiques (Sciences Po Paris) display a banner reading 'We ask for justice, we get the police' during a demonstration to support the Palestinian people in Paris, France, 26 April 2024. A dozen students remain mobilized in support of the Palestinians by occupying a building at Sciences Po Paris since the evening of 25 April 2024, the day after police evacuated another of the school's sites, following actions taken at several universities in the United States in support of the Palestinian people. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ

PARIGI, 02 MAG - La direzione di Sciences Po ha annunciato la chiusura domani della sua sede principale a Parigi a causa di una nuova occupazione da parte degli studenti mobilitati per la causa palestinese. "A seguito del voto sull'occupazione studentesca, gli edifici in 25, 27, 30, rue Saint-Guillaume e 56, rue des Saints-Pères, rimarranno chiusi domani, venerdì 3 maggio. Vi invitiamo a continuare a lavorare da casa", si legge in un messaggio ai dipendenti inviato dal dipartimento Risorse Umane di Sciences Po.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
