Nuova Commissione, sei vicepresidenze esecutive con Fitto

epa11597951 European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen opens the 2500th meeting of the College of Commissioners in Brussels, Belgium, 11 September 2024. The first formal meeting of the European Commission took place in Brussels on 16 January 1958 which was by then the European Economic Community (ECC). It was chaired by Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
STRASBURGO, 17 SET - Sono sei le vicepresidenze esecutive proposte da Ursula von der Leyen per la nuova Commissione. I sei ruoli apicali spetteranno alla spagnola Teresa Ribera, alla finlandese Henna Virkkunen, al francese Stéphane Séjourné, alla estone Kaja Kallas, alla romena Roxana Minzatu e all'italiano Raffale Fitto.
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