Italia e Estero

Mosca, 'scambiati 103 prigionieri per parte con l'Ucraina'

epaselect epa11601917 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) are welcomed by relatives and military personnel following a swap, at an undisclosed location in Ukraine, 13 September 2024, amid the Russian invasion. "Another return of our people – something we always wait for and work tirelessly to achieve. 49 Ukrainians are now home [...] We must bring home every single one of our people, both military and civilian," Ukrainian President Zelensky said on 13 September on social media. Ukraine did not say how many Russians had been released in return, while Moscow was yet to comment. EPA/STR
epaselect epa11601917 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) are welcomed by relatives and military personnel following a swap, at an undisclosed location in Ukraine, 13 September 2024, amid the Russian invasion. "Another return of our people – something we always wait for and work tirelessly to achieve. 49 Ukrainians are now home [...] We must bring home every single one of our people, both military and civilian," Ukrainian President Zelensky said on 13 September on social media. Ukraine did not say how many Russians had been released in return, while Moscow was yet to comment. EPA/STR

MOSCA, 14 SET - Oggi la Russia ha scambiato 103 prigionieri di guerra ucraini con Kiev in cambio di altrettanti prigionieri russi in un accordo mediato dagli Emirati Arabi Uniti. Lo ha dichiarato il ministero della Difesa di Mosca. "Oggi 103 soldati catturati nella regione di Kursk (dagli ucraini) sono stati restituiti dai territori controllati dal regime di Kiev" e "in cambio, 103 soldati ucraini prigionieri sono stati consegnati", si legge nel comunicato.

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