Italia e Estero

Mosca, liberati 10 villaggi nella regione di Kursk

epa11596957 A woman evacuated from the Kursk regional border area with Ukraine, receives help from the Russian Red Cross in downtown Kursk, Russia, 10 September 2024. Fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces has been ongoing in the Kursk region since 06 August following a Ukrainian military incursion into the Russian border region. Russian authorities have introduced a 'counter-terrorist operation' and federal emergency regimes in the region, and more than 121,000 people have been resettled from nine border areas. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on 10 September, that Ukrainian troops losses in the Kursk direction over the day amounted to more than 380 servicemen, and over the entire period of its military operations to more than 11,800 servicemen. EPA/STRINGER
epa11596957 A woman evacuated from the Kursk regional border area with Ukraine, receives help from the Russian Red Cross in downtown Kursk, Russia, 10 September 2024. Fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces has been ongoing in the Kursk region since 06 August following a Ukrainian military incursion into the Russian border region. Russian authorities have introduced a 'counter-terrorist operation' and federal emergency regimes in the region, and more than 121,000 people have been resettled from nine border areas. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on 10 September, that Ukrainian troops losses in the Kursk direction over the day amounted to more than 380 servicemen, and over the entire period of its military operations to more than 11,800 servicemen. EPA/STRINGER

ROMA, 11 SET - Le forze russe hanno liberato circa 10 insediamenti nella regione di Kursk, occupata in parte dall'esercito ucraino ad agosto. Lo annunciano i vertici dell'esercito russo, come riporta la Tass. Le difese aeree russe lo hanno abbattuto oggi una bomba aerea guidata ucraina sulla regione di Kursk: lo ha reso noto il governatore regionale ad interim, Alexey Smirnov, come riporta la Tass.

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