Italia e Estero

Mosca, al via seconda fase esercitazioni nucleari tattiche

epa11358611 A handout still image taken from handout video provided by the Russian Defence ministry press-service shows Russian servicemen upload a non-strategic nuclear missile for Iskander operational-tactical missile system, during the first stage of the exercise with practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in the Southern Military District, at an undisclosed location in Russia, 21 May 2024. According to the Statement of the Press Service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the personnel of the missile formations of the Southern Military District are practicing combat training tasks of obtaining special ammunition for the 'Iskander' operational-tactical missile system, equipping launch vehicles with them and covertly advancing to a designated position area in preparation for carrying out missile launches. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa11358611 A handout still image taken from handout video provided by the Russian Defence ministry press-service shows Russian servicemen upload a non-strategic nuclear missile for Iskander operational-tactical missile system, during the first stage of the exercise with practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in the Southern Military District, at an undisclosed location in Russia, 21 May 2024. According to the Statement of the Press Service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the personnel of the missile formations of the Southern Military District are practicing combat training tasks of obtaining special ammunition for the 'Iskander' operational-tactical missile system, equipping launch vehicles with them and covertly advancing to a designated position area in preparation for carrying out missile launches. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 11 GIU - Il ministero della Difesa russo ha annunciato oggi che è iniziata la seconda fase delle esercitazioni nucleari non strategiche nel Paese. Lo riporta la Tass. "In conformità con la decisione del presidente della Federazione Russa, è iniziata la seconda fase delle esercitazioni delle forze nucleari tattiche", si legge in un comunicato. Mosca aveva annunciato l'avvio della prima fase delle esercitazioni il 21 maggio scorso nel distretto meridionale russo.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
