Italia e Estero

Meloni, Fdi si conferma primo partito e supera le politiche

epa11397605 Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni votes in the European Parliament elections at a polling station, in Rome, Italy, 08 June 2024. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024, with the elections in Italy taking place on 08 June 2024. EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI
epa11397605 Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni votes in the European Parliament elections at a polling station, in Rome, Italy, 08 June 2024. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024, with the elections in Italy taking place on 08 June 2024. EPA/GIUSEPPE LAMI

ROMA, 10 GIU - "Fratelli d'Italia si conferma primo partito italiano, superando il risultato delle scorse elezioni politiche". Lo scrive sui social la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni postando una foto in cui fa con la mano il segno della vittoria.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
