Italia e Estero

Meloni domani in Libia, visita ufficiale a Tripoli

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Swiss Federal President Viola Amherd during a welcome ceremony prior to their meeting at Chigi Palace, in Rome, Italy, 03 May 2024. ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Swiss Federal President Viola Amherd during a welcome ceremony prior to their meeting at Chigi Palace, in Rome, Italy, 03 May 2024. ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI

ROMA, 06 MAG - La premier Giorgia Meloni, a quanto si apprende, domani sarà in visita ufficiale in Libia, a Tripoli. Lo si apprende da fonti libiche.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
