Media, Kuleba potrebbe diventare ambasciatore a Bruxelles

epa11570625 (L-R) Dutch Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and European High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, converse during an informal meeting of European Foreign Affairs Ministers in Brussels, Belgium, 29 August The informal council usually takes place in the country chairing the rotating presidency of the EU. But following tensions between Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban and the EU, the EU's informal foreign and defense ministerial meetings on 29-30 August, respectively, will take place in Brussels instead of Budapest. EU Foreign Ministers will discuss Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and on global outreach, the state of play of EU-Turkey relations and regional and global issues of shared interest, and the situation in the Middle East on the background of the latest escalation of tensions in the region. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
ROMA, 04 SET - Il ministro degli Esteri ucraino Dmitro Kuleba, che ha rassegnato le dimissioni, potrebbe diventare ambasciatore ucraino a Bruxelles. Lo indicano indiscrezioni riportate da Rbc Ukraina.
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