Italia e Estero

Media, donatori democratici congelano i fondi per Biden

epa11471777 US President Joe Biden (C-R) and NATO leaders stand for a group photo during an arrival ceremony prior to a dinner with NATO allies and partners in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 10 July 2024. NATO leaders, who are meeting for a three-day NATO summit in Washington, will send five long-range air-defense systems for Ukraine, after President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked for more help in the wake of stepped-up Russian strikes on his country. EPA/Graeme Sloan / POOL
epa11471777 US President Joe Biden (C-R) and NATO leaders stand for a group photo during an arrival ceremony prior to a dinner with NATO allies and partners in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 10 July 2024. NATO leaders, who are meeting for a three-day NATO summit in Washington, will send five long-range air-defense systems for Ukraine, after President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked for more help in the wake of stepped-up Russian strikes on his country. EPA/Graeme Sloan / POOL

WASHINGTON, 11 LUG - Gran parte dei donatori dem, da Wall Street a Hollywood, ha congelato i finanziamenti per la campagna elettorale di Joe Biden per il suo rifiuto di lasciare la corsa dopo le preoccupazioni per la sua eta' e le sue condizioni psico-fisiche. I grandi contributori del partito temono di sborsare denaro per una sfida "perdente". Lo riportano alcuni media, tra cui il Financial Times e la Cnn.

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