Media arabi, Hezbollah ha ricevuto droni dalla Russia

epa11142778 A handout photo made available by the Russian Defence Ministry Press-Service shows the production of strike and reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at the 'Kalashnikov' enterprise in Izhevsk, Udmurtia Republic, Russia, 10 February 2024. The Russian Defence minister, during a visit to the leading enterprise of the ZALA Aero Group, which produces Lancet loitering munition and reconnaissance drones, was presented with new models of reconnaissance and attack UAVs. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT -- MANDATORY CREDIT -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
TEL AVIV, 10 OTT - Il quotidiano libanese al Nahar ha riferito, citando fonti di intelligence, che Hezbollah ha recentemente ricevuto droni di fabbricazione russa e che un certo numero di esperti stanno addestrando i miliziani sciiti dell'organizzazione ad usarli.
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