Italia e Estero

Media, 25 morti a Gaza in raid israeliani nelle ultime ore

epa11344258 Israeli tanks drive across the security fence with Jabalia in northern part of the Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israeli side of the border on, in southern Israel, on 16 May 2024. More than 35,100 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11344258 Israeli tanks drive across the security fence with Jabalia in northern part of the Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israeli side of the border on, in southern Israel, on 16 May 2024. More than 35,100 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

ROMA, 20 LUG - Almeno 25 persone sono state uccise in raid israeliani lanciati nelle prime ore di questa mattina nella Striscia di Gaza: lo riporta Al Jazeera. Secondo la tv con sede in Qatar, almeno 5 persone sono morte in seguito ad un attacco nel quartiere Sheikh Radwan di Gaza City (nord). Altre 4, tra cui due bambini, sono morte in un attacco a Jabalia (nord). Almeno 3 persone sono decedute in un attacco nel campo profughi di Bureij (centro). Quattro sono state uccise nel campo profughi di Nuseirat (centro) e altre 8 hanno perso la vita sempre a Nuseirat. Infine, una persona è morta a Khan Younis (sud) in un attacco con droni.

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