L'Unicef celebra 20 anni di collaborazione con David Beckham

On 14 November 2023 in India, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham (centre) signs a drawing he has made while speaking with a group of adolescents at the community centre in the Banaskantha district of Gujarat state, a reflection of how his time with them has made him feel: ‘Happy’. Mr. Beckham has come to meet with adolescents who are champions of child rights and to hear their personal stories of empowerment – how they have stood up to reject child labour and child marriage and have fought to prevent gender-based violence – as well as descriptions of the support they have received from the community in various ways, including through mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). Mr. Beckham travelled to India this week to meet children and adolescents, including girls who are bringing about change and innovation in their communities, and young women who have overcome barriers to help close gender gaps. During his four-day visit, Beckham saw first-hand how UNICEF-supported programmes are making a difference for girls and women, in partnership with the Government of India. The aim of the visit to the community centre was to give a deeper understanding of the context and effective initiatives by community, government and civil society organizations to ensure that every child is protected and empowered (with a gender and equity focus). Adolescents shared their dreams, aspirations, journey so far and the obstacles they have overcome along the way. Community members, front line workers and government functionaries added their experiences, perspectives and insights on the changing times and how the community supports adolescents on their path to greater empowerment, as well as challenges they have faced and how they have overcome them.
ROMA, 22 GEN - L'Unicef celebra 20 anni di collaborazione con David Beckham come Goodwill Ambassador. Dal testimoniare il lavoro dell'Unicef in prima persona, alla sensibilizzazione e alla raccolta di fondi su tematiche fondamentali come la malnutrizione, l'istruzione, la parità di genere e la violenza contro i bambini, la sua dedizione è stata davvero notevole. "So quanto sia potente quando diamo ai bambini il sostegno di cui hanno bisogno e che meritano" ha detto David Beckham. Al World Economic Forum a Davos), il Goodwill Ambassador Beckham ha ricevuto il Crystal Awards per i 20 anni "di instancabile impegno per i diritti dei bambini".
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