L'Iran minaccia di attaccare petrolio e gas in Israele

epa11639539 An anti-Israeli billboard shows Iran's missile attack on Israel and a sentence reading in Persian 'The beginning of the end of the Zionist' at the Palestine square in Tehran, Iran, 03 October 2024. Iran fired missiles directed at Israel on the evening of 01 October, state media reported quoting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The attack was a 'retaliation for different assassinations' carried out by Israel and 'the crimes in Palestine and Lebanon', the IRGC said. According to the Israeli army, more than 180 ballistic missiles were fired against Israel from Iran. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH
ROMA, 04 OTT - I pasdaran iraniani minacciano di colpire le raffinerie e i giacimenti di gas israeliani se lo Stato ebraico attaccasse l'Iran. Lo annunciano le stesse Guardie della rivoluzione citate dal Teheran Times. Ieri il presidente Usa Joe Biden aveva affermato che Washington stava discutendo con il governo di Gerusalemme la possibilità di raid israeliani sugli impianti petroliferi iraniani in risposta all'attacco missilistico sferrato martedì da Teheran.
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