Italia e Estero

L'Idf ai libanesi nel sud, 'state lontani dalla costa'

epa11645265 Damage following an Israeli military strike targeting Ghazieh town, four kilometers south of Sidon, southern Lebanon, 06 October 2024. According to Lebanon's National News Agency (NNA), an Israeli drone targeted a rest house on the Ghazieh seafront with a missile on the night of 05 October. Lebanese Minister of Health, Firas Abiad, announced on 05 October, that more than 2,000 people have been killed and more than 9,600 others have been injured in Lebanon since the beginning of the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict. EPA/STRINGER
epa11645265 Damage following an Israeli military strike targeting Ghazieh town, four kilometers south of Sidon, southern Lebanon, 06 October 2024. According to Lebanon's National News Agency (NNA), an Israeli drone targeted a rest house on the Ghazieh seafront with a missile on the night of 05 October. Lebanese Minister of Health, Firas Abiad, announced on 05 October, that more than 2,000 people have been killed and more than 9,600 others have been injured in Lebanon since the beginning of the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict. EPA/STRINGER

ROMA, 07 OTT - Il portavoce dell'Idf, il tenente colonnello Avihai Adrai, ha inviato un avvertimento in arabo agli abitanti del Libano meridionale invitandoli a "evitare di stare in mare o sulle spiagge da ora fino a nuovo avviso". Lo scrive Ynet. "L'Idf non ha interesse a farvi del male. Rimanere sulle spiagge nell'area a sud del fiume Havali mette in pericolo la vostra vita", ha precisato la stessa fonte, in vista di un imminente attacco israeliano.

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