Italia e Estero

Le Figaro, accordo elettorale tra Républicains e Le Pen

epa11401161 National Rally parliamentary party leader Marine Le Pen delivers a speech standing next to RN president Jordan Bardella (R) at the electoral party of the French right-wing party National Rally (Rassemblement National or RN) in Paris, France, 09 June 2024, after the first results of the European Elections. The list of the Rassemblement National, led by party chief Jordan Bardella, is given winner in France according to first estimations after polls. EPA/ANDRE PAIN
epa11401161 National Rally parliamentary party leader Marine Le Pen delivers a speech standing next to RN president Jordan Bardella (R) at the electoral party of the French right-wing party National Rally (Rassemblement National or RN) in Paris, France, 09 June 2024, after the first results of the European Elections. The list of the Rassemblement National, led by party chief Jordan Bardella, is given winner in France according to first estimations after polls. EPA/ANDRE PAIN

PARIGI, 11 GIU - Per la prima volta nella storia della Quinta Repubblica in Francia, i Républicains, eredi dei neogollisti, annunciano un accordo nel quadro delle elezioni legislative tra 20 giorni con l'estrema destra del Rassemblement National, il partito di Marine Le Pen e di Jordan Bardella. Lo anticipa il quotidiano Le Figaro, affermando che il presidente dei Républicains, Eric Ciotti, lo annuncerà stasera al telegiornale.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
