Italia e Estero

L'attentatore di Trump aveva materiale esplosivo in auto

epa11476793 Supporters of former US President Donald Trump hold a demonstration in his support in Miami, Florida, USA, 13 July 2024. Trump was rushed off stage by secret service after an incident during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. According to the Butler County district attorney a suspected gunman was dead and at least one rally attendee was killed. According to a statement by a secret service spokesperson, the former President is safe and further information on the incident will be released when available. EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa11476793 Supporters of former US President Donald Trump hold a demonstration in his support in Miami, Florida, USA, 13 July 2024. Trump was rushed off stage by secret service after an incident during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. According to the Butler County district attorney a suspected gunman was dead and at least one rally attendee was killed. According to a statement by a secret service spokesperson, the former President is safe and further information on the incident will be released when available. EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH

WASHINGTON, 14 LUG - L'attentatore di Donald Trump aveva materiale esplosivo nell'auto con la quale ha guidato fino al comizio. Lo riferiscono le autorità locali.

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