Italia e Estero

La governatrice di Ny:'Espulso il console generale cinese'

epa11555909 Governor of New York Kathy Hochul speaks during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, USA, 19 August 2024. The 2024 Democratic National Convention is being held from 19 to 22 August 2024, during which delegates of the United States' Democratic Party will vote on the party's platform and ceremonially vote for the party's nominee for president, Vice President Kamala Harris, and for vice president, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, for the upcoming presidential election. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa11555909 Governor of New York Kathy Hochul speaks during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, USA, 19 August 2024. The 2024 Democratic National Convention is being held from 19 to 22 August 2024, during which delegates of the United States' Democratic Party will vote on the party's platform and ceremonially vote for the party's nominee for president, Vice President Kamala Harris, and for vice president, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, for the upcoming presidential election. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

NEW YORK, 04 SET - Il console generale cinese a New York è stato espulso dopo che un'ex assistente della governatrice di New York è stata arrestata con l'accusa di aver agito come agente sotto copertura di Pechino. Lo ha detto la governatrice di New York Kathy Hochul. Linda Su è stata arrestata dall'Fbi insieme al marito: fra le accuse mosse nei loro confronti anche quella di riciclaggio di denaro.

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