Italia e Estero

La Germania rafforza i controlli alle frontiere

epa11547720 German police officer stops a car at German federal police checkpoint at the German-Polish border Goerlitz, Germany, 13 August 2024. German Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser visits security authorities and emergency services in seven German federal states. The topics of the security tour include the fight against Islamist terrorism, limiting irregular migration and combating human trafficking. EPA/FILIP SINGER
epa11547720 German police officer stops a car at German federal police checkpoint at the German-Polish border Goerlitz, Germany, 13 August 2024. German Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser visits security authorities and emergency services in seven German federal states. The topics of the security tour include the fight against Islamist terrorism, limiting irregular migration and combating human trafficking. EPA/FILIP SINGER

BRUXELLES, 09 SET - Berlino si appresta a rafforzare i controlli temporanei a tutte le frontiere interne per fermare l'immigrazione irregolare e tutelare la sicurezza interna dalle minacce di terrorismo islamico. La decisione è stata presa dalla ministra dell'Interno, Nancy Faeser, e notificata alla Commissione europea. Lo riportano i media tedeschi, citando fonti governative.

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