Italia e Estero

La Camera Usa affonda la mozione per destituire lo speaker

epa11325089 Republican Representative from Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene (C) responds to a question from the news media prior to a meeting with US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson in the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, 07 May 2024. Speaker Johnson and Representative Greene are meeting again on 07 May following a two-hour meeting on 06 May to discuss her priorities and in efforts to keep her from pressing ahead with a vote to attempt to oust him, known as a motion to vacate EPA/SHAWN THEW
epa11325089 Republican Representative from Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene (C) responds to a question from the news media prior to a meeting with US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson in the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, 07 May 2024. Speaker Johnson and Representative Greene are meeting again on 07 May following a two-hour meeting on 06 May to discuss her priorities and in efforts to keep her from pressing ahead with a vote to attempt to oust him, known as a motion to vacate EPA/SHAWN THEW

WASHINGTON, 08 MAG - Con un'ampia maggioranza bipartisan, la Camera Usa ha approvato la mozione per sospendere e rinviare la richiesta della deputata trumpiana Marjorie Taylor Greene di sfiduciare e destituire lo speaker della Camera Mike Johnson, suo compagno di partito. Di fatto la Camera ha affondato l'iniziativa.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
