Italia e Estero

Kiev, nella notte abbattuti 15 droni russi su 16

epa11222674 Ukrainian rescuers carry the body of their dead colleague near the site of a Russian rocket attack in the southern city of Odesa, Ukraine, 15 March 2024. After rescuers arrived at the scene of the attack on a civilian ifrastructure object, the location was struck by a second rocket, killing at least one rescuer. At least 16 people died and 53 others were injured following a Russian double rocket attack on a civilian infrastructure object and private buildings around it, in Odesa, according to Ukraine's State Emergency Service report. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory in February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/IGOR TKACHENKO
epa11222674 Ukrainian rescuers carry the body of their dead colleague near the site of a Russian rocket attack in the southern city of Odesa, Ukraine, 15 March 2024. After rescuers arrived at the scene of the attack on a civilian ifrastructure object, the location was struck by a second rocket, killing at least one rescuer. At least 16 people died and 53 others were injured following a Russian double rocket attack on a civilian infrastructure object and private buildings around it, in Odesa, according to Ukraine's State Emergency Service report. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory in February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/IGOR TKACHENKO

ROMA, 23 APR - Le forze russe hanno lanciato la notte scorsa due missili e 16 droni kamikaze sull'Ucraina, 15 dei quali sono stati abbattuti dalle difese aeree di Kiev: lo ha reso noto su Telegram l'Aeronautica militare ucraina. I due missili balistici (Iskander-M) provenivano dalla regione russa di Belgorod, ha precisato l'Aeronautica, mentre i droni (Shahed-131/136) sono stati lanciati da Capo Chauda nella Crimea annessa e dalla regione di russa di Kursk. I 15 velivoli senza equipaggio sono stati distrutti nelle regioni di Mykolaiv, Odessa, Kiev e Cherkasy. Droni russi hanno colpito una zona residenziale della città ucraina meridionale di Odessa ferendo sette persone, tra cui due bambini: lo riportano i media locali, citando le forze di difesa di Kiev.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
