Kiev, attacco russo al mercato di Kherson, 7 morti

epa10511391 Rescuers work at a bus stop which was hit during a rocket attack in Kherson which resulted in the death of at least three people according to a spokesman from the President's office. Ukraine, 09 March 2023. Ukrainian authorities said on 09 March that Russia fired 81 missiles across the country targeting critical infrastructure and residential buildings. The country's Defense Ministry confirmed that 34 cruise missiles were shot down. According to Ukraine's nuclear operator Energoatom, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (NPP) lost power as a result of the missile attacks, and was running on diesel generators. EPA/IVAN ANTYPENKO
ROMA, 01 OTT - I russi hanno bombardato il mercato nel centro di Kherson causando 7 vittime. Lo riporta il capo dell'Amministrazione militare regionale di Kherson Alexander Prokudin come riporta Rbc Ukraina.
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