Italia e Estero

Kiev, 533.090 soldati russi morti dal 24 febbraio 2022 a oggi

epaselect epa11379750 Ukrainian rescuers work at a site of a rocket hit to the riding hall of the Equestrian Center of the Veterinary Academy in Mala Danylivka village near Kharkiv, Ukraine, 30 May 2024 amid the Russian invasion. The Kharkiv Veterinary Academy was founded in 1804 and its Equestrian Center is a historical building. Nobody was killed or injured during the attack according to the report of the head of the Kharkiv Military Administration Oleg Synegubov. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV
epaselect epa11379750 Ukrainian rescuers work at a site of a rocket hit to the riding hall of the Equestrian Center of the Veterinary Academy in Mala Danylivka village near Kharkiv, Ukraine, 30 May 2024 amid the Russian invasion. The Kharkiv Veterinary Academy was founded in 1804 and its Equestrian Center is a historical building. Nobody was killed or injured during the attack according to the report of the head of the Kharkiv Military Administration Oleg Synegubov. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV

ROMA, 22 GIU - Secondo lo stato maggiore delle forze armate ucraine, i soldati russi morti in comattimento dal 24 febbraio 2022 al 22 giugno 2024 sono circa 533.090, compresi 1.110 militari della Federazione uccisi o feriti nelle ultime 24 ore. Lo riporta Ukrinform.

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