Italia e Estero

Israele, 'un ordigno di Hezbollah ha ferito 4 osservatori Onu'

epa06894929 UN soldiers from UNTSO, United Nations Truce Supervision Organizations, monitor a Syrian Refugees camp located next to the Israeli-Syrian border on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights in Quneitra province, from the Israeli side of the Golan Heights, 17 July 2018. According to reports, Syrian refugees approached the Israeli borders leaving their encampments after airstrikes by forces allied with the Syrian government intensified but were instructed to not approach the fence by Israeli soldiers. The Syrian government and its allies started a military offensive to regain control over Quneitra Governorate in south-western Syria currently under control of various rebel factions, mainly Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa06894929 UN soldiers from UNTSO, United Nations Truce Supervision Organizations, monitor a Syrian Refugees camp located next to the Israeli-Syrian border on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights in Quneitra province, from the Israeli side of the Golan Heights, 17 July 2018. According to reports, Syrian refugees approached the Israeli borders leaving their encampments after airstrikes by forces allied with the Syrian government intensified but were instructed to not approach the fence by Israeli soldiers. The Syrian government and its allies started a military offensive to regain control over Quneitra Governorate in south-western Syria currently under control of various rebel factions, mainly Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

TEL AVIV, 03 APR - L'esplosione avvenuta lo scorso 30 marzo a Rmeish in Libano a causa della quale rimasero feriti 4 osservatori Onu Untso a bordo di un veicolo "è stata causata da un ordigno esplosivo piazzato dagli Hezbollah". Lo ha fatto sapere su X, l'Idf in base a informazioni di "intelligence". L'esercito aveva da subito smentito l'accusa - avanzata da fonti della sicurezza libanese - che a colpire l'auto con i quattro osservatori fosse stato un drone israeliano. Ora - secondo la stessa fonte - l'accusa nei confronti di Hezbollah.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
