Italia e Estero

Israele, 'tagliamo ogni contatto con l'Unrwa'

epa11585504 Israel Ambassador Danny Danon holds a poster with an image of Eden Yerushalmi, one of six Israeli hostages recently killed by Hamas, during a Security Council meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 04 September 2024. Israeli UN ambassador Danny Danon said on X, formerly Twitter, that the UN Security Council convenes on 04 September for the first time for an official discussion on the situation of the hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, following the recovery of the bodies of six hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip on 31 August. According to a statement by the Israeli Government Press Office, 97 Israeli hostages remain in captivity in the Gaza Strip, with 33 confirmed dead. EPA/SARAH YENESEL EPA-EFE/SARAH YENESEL
epa11585504 Israel Ambassador Danny Danon holds a poster with an image of Eden Yerushalmi, one of six Israeli hostages recently killed by Hamas, during a Security Council meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 04 September 2024. Israeli UN ambassador Danny Danon said on X, formerly Twitter, that the UN Security Council convenes on 04 September for the first time for an official discussion on the situation of the hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, following the recovery of the bodies of six hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip on 31 August. According to a statement by the Israeli Government Press Office, 97 Israeli hostages remain in captivity in the Gaza Strip, with 33 confirmed dead. EPA/SARAH YENESEL EPA-EFE/SARAH YENESEL

NEW YORK, 28 GEN - Israele interromperà ogni contatto con l'agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati (Unrwa) e "chiunque agisca per suo conto" a partire dal 30 gennaio: lo ha reso noto l'ambasciatore israeliano all'Onu, ribadendo che l'agenzia avrebbe dovuto lasciare Gerusalemme entro quella data. "Questa decisione non è stata presa alla leggera, né in fretta. Non è una decisione politica. È una decisione necessaria", ha detto Danny Danon ai giornalisti parlando della decisione di bandire l'Unrwa adottata dal parlamento israeliano lo scorso ottobre. Israele accusa l'agenzia di sostenere la violenza di Hamas a Gaza.

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